Lines and Segments

A straight line can be created in DeclaraCAD using the Line or Segment declarations.

A Line and Segment can both be specified using the points attribute with two points.

A Line may be also defined with only a position and direction.

# Created in DeclaraCAD
from declaracad.occ.api import *

enamldef Assembly(Part):
        color = 'red'
        points = [(1, 1), (10, 10)]
    Line: yaxis:
        color = 'blue'
        position = (0, 0)
        direction = (0, 1)

Lines and Segments

The difference between the two is the Line is unbounded / of infinite length while a Segment is just between a start and end points.

Typically the Segment will be used for sketching as it creates an edge that can be converted into a Wire, while a Line can be used to determine intersections.


DeclaraCAD includes a Rectangle declaration that builds a Wire from a set of line segments. The rectangle's origin is at the bottom left corner of the xy plane and is defined by the width and height.

Note: The Rectangle shape will return a wire by default, use as_face = True to convert the result into a face.

# Created in DeclaraCAD
from declaracad.occ.api import *

enamldef Assembly(Part):        
        color = 'red'
        position = (1, 1)
        width = 10
        height = 20

    # For reference    
    Line: xaxis:
        color = 'black'
        direction = (1, 0)
    Line: yaxis:
        color = 'black'
        direction = (0, 1)

DeclaraCAD Rectangle

You can also specify radius's for the corners. Using rx and ry. If only one is given it will use the same for both.

# Created in DeclaraCAD
from declaracad.occ.api import *

enamldef Assembly(Part):        
        color = 'red'
        position = (1, 1)
        rx = 3 
        width = 10
        height = 20

Radius Rectangle

To orient the wire in another plane use the direction attribute or wrap it in a Transform.