
The Revol declaration is used to revolve a profile around an axis. The axis of revolution is defined by the position, direction, and rotation of the Revol. By default it revolves a full rotation, this can be limited by setting the angle attribute in radians.

Like the Prism a wire will create a surface and a face or closed wire will create a solid shape.

# Created in DeclaraCAD
from declaracad.occ.api import *

enamldef Profile(Wire):
    attr r = 1 # Shaft radius
    attr r2 = 7 # Total radius
    attr r3 = 5 # Groove radius
    attr w1 = 2 # Width at base
    attr w2 = 1.5 # Wdth at top
    attr f1 = 0.25 # Fillet radius
    attr t = 0.25 # Thickness
    attr t2 = 0.5 # Groove thickness
    attr d1 = 0.5 # Groove depth
    Wire: wire:
        Polyline: p1:
                points = [
                    (0, r),
                    (w1/2, r),
                    (w1/2, r + t*3),
                    (t + f1, r + t*3),
        Bezier: b1:
            attr p = p1.points[-1]
            points = [
                p, p + (-f1, 0), p + (-f1, f1)
        Segment: s1:
            attr p = b1.points[-1]
            attr d = r3 - t*3 - r - 2*f1
            points = [p, p + (0, d)]
        Bezier: b2:
            attr p = s1.points[-1]
            points = [
                p, p + (0, f1), p + (f1, f1)
        Polyline: p2:
            attr p = b2.points[-1]
            points = [
                    (w2/2, r3),
                    (w2/2, r2),
                    (w2/2-t, r2), # TODO: Determine based on angle
                    (t2/2, r2-d1),
                    (0, r2-d1),
        operations = [Mirror(y=1)]
        shape = wire

enamldef Assembly(Part):        
    Profile: profile:
        color = 'red'
        color = 'lightsteelblue'
        direction = (1, 0, 0)
        shape = profile

The direction is set to (1, 0, 0) so it revolves around the the X-axis at the origin.

DeclaraCAD Revolve Pulley

This is the profile that was created in the XY plane.

DeclaraCAD Revolve Profile